Center For Mindfulness
"Mindful Awareness is a way of tuning in to what is happening right now, at this present moment. It is a shift from doing mode into being mode. Mindful Awareness involves the skills of Observing, Describing, Fully Participating, Being Non-Judgmental, Focusing on One Thing at a Time, and the Power of Intention."
-Charlton Hall
Weekly Mindfulness Skills Group
An introduction to mindfulness and an orientation to cultivating skills to relax & refocus in daily living. This open group will help you to ground, center, and achieve more balance in life.
Sign up on the classes page, link below!
Wednesdays, 1:00pm - 1:30pm
Mindfulness-Based Meditation Group
A 12 Week Series
In partnership with the Fernview Center for Wellbeing, the Mindfulness Center will be offering a Mindfulness-Based Meditation Group.
This group is open to all who are interested in learning how to use mindfulness to tap into the healing power of nature.
Mindfulness-Based Skills Group, Coordinated by Sandra Jones Director of The Art of Living Well is a 12-week program that uses mindfulness to connect you to nature’s healing power of mindfulness practices. Each weekly session lasts 45 minutes and deals with breathing, mindfulness, meditation, gentle stretching, stress management techniques, and tai chi.
The program will start every 12 weeks on Thursday evenings and will run from 5:15 to 6:00 each week with optional participation in tai chi from 6:00-6:30.
Fernview Center - 1115 Dunlap Road, Anderson SC 29621
There are two options for attending. The first is a suggested donation of $15 per session or you can register for 12 weeks at once, making it $10 a session. If you choose the pay-as-you-go method, you will need to order the workbook yourself prior to the first session.
Mindfulness helps to relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression while teaching you skills that will help you to live a more grounded, centered, and balanced life.